In recent months, the Earth is undergoing a change in temperature, causing changes in the weather becomes erratic. Air humidity also increased. Direct sunlight bathes the body. Ultraviolet absorbed any skin, resulting in increased regeneration is becoming more active. To keep skin stay healthy in extreme weather such as now, it takes a few tips to take care of him. These Tips include:

Clean the skin gently
Breeze on my face, makes us feel good, but causes the dust and dirt clogging the pores of the skin, add a thick pile of dead skin cells and impurities in the skin. Therefore, the most important skin care is a clean skin. If the skin is not clean laundry, piles of dead skin cells will grow thick, blackheads, and pimples. This certainly interferes with the absorption of vitamins and nutrients for the skin. Therefore, keeping the skin clean is the main thing.
Keeping the skin moist
The climate is tropical region including Indonesia. The average air temperature is high. The stinging sun can stimulate the oil glands to work more actively, but the skin is often dehydrated. Therefore you should choose skin care products that have high water content to keep the skin moist, prevents dehydration of skin, and prevent premature aging.
Use a scrub on a regular basis
Dirt and dead skin cells that clog the pores of the skin causes the skin to look dull and can not breathe freely and reduce the skin's ability to absorb nutrients. To avoid this, use a scrub or scrub on a regular basis. Scrub function remove impurities and dead skin cells are formed; making the skin can breathe freely, and are able to absorb the nutrients optimally.
Avoid direct sunlight
To maintain healthy skin, you should avoid direct sun, use the right skin care products and can be added to sun block to keep skin hydrated when long exposed to the sun.
Of care in
To get a healthy and beautiful skin, not just rely on care from the outside only, but also care to note from the inside. The skin also needs nutrients, foods that contain lots of vitamins A, C, and E is for the skin. In addition adequate rest and exercise will also help the growth of skin and affect the skin condition.